Product Details

The display light guide film is one of the key components in the backlight module. The function of the light guide film is to guide the light entering it through the bottom dots for reflection and refraction. It makes the light diffuse evenly and effectively. And then the light emits from light guide film to convert line light source or spot light source into plane light source. The LCD liquid crystal display panel itself does not have luminous characteristics, so it has to add a light source on the back to achieve the display effect. The backlight unit is a component that provides sufficient brightness and evenly distributed light sources for the LCD panel, which enables the liquid crystal display panel to display images normally.



Light guide film is one of the core components of LCD liquid crystal panel. With the growth in demand for LCD display screens all over the world, the global demand for LCD panels has increased from 165 million square meters in 2016 to 228 million square meters in 2020.


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